Vibration Therapy:
All things, animate or inanimate are controlled by a factor called vibration in the name, she says. This vibration emanates from the alphabets in the names of these objects. By altering the power of these vibrations, she administers her Vibration Therapy called Nameology. Change your name, solve your problems, Attain Super Success in Life, she declares. With Nameology she corrects all problems in human life, like dullness in education, Infertility, Strife in married life, marital problems between husband and wife, Delays in marriage, loss in business, Absence of recognition and Obstacles to progress and prosperity. According to Dr. J. Lakshmi Jeya Swaruoopa, even diseases of un-known origin can be corrected by applying this therapy of Nameology.
Names efficacy as a Mantra:
Throughout our human existence, from the ancient times to the most modern world of civilizations, great seers and savants have used the power of alphabets and their sound vibrations as mantras to ward off evil. The same powers of the Words have been used by all religions of the world to chant sound vibrations in the sacred names of Jesus, Buddha, Allah or Krishna, to give solace and salvation to the afflicted and needy persons. Accurately designed Names act with great efficacy as potent mantras to produce fortunate effects in life.
Name decides Good Luck or Bad Luck:
You can have a perfect name so beneficial as a sacred mantra if you want to be lucky. Or if you are unlucky, you can have a name which is as evil as a curse. The answer is in applying the correct scientific principles of Nameology, in the design of names, says Dr. J. Lakshmi Jeya Swaruoopa.
Name is the Secret of Success:
To result in Success, effort alone is not enough, Dr. Lakshmi Jeya Swaruoopa says. Luck or good fortune can take effect only for the people who are blessed with the correct names. According to her concept, anyone can choose to be rich or poor, good or evil, healthy or sick, happy or miserable, fortunate or unfortunate, famous or notorious, victorious or defeated depending on the correctness their individual names. Name should be designed based on the date of birth, time of birth, numerology, palm readings, astrological data, the status of planetary positions and their conjoined implications in any one's life.
Marriage - Boon or Bane:
Marriage and Marital Life can be a boon or a bane depending on the correctness of the individual names and vital numbers of the wedding Day. Favorable vibrations between husband's and wife's names promote harmony. Anti vibration does just the opposite. Even the day number and life number can have anti vibration on the wedding day, which can totally wreck the good results of marriage says, Dr. J. Lakshmi Jeya Swaruoopa. For the less fortunate married couples who lead a cat and dog's life of quarrel and dishonor, she administers this Nameology therapy to bring back harmony, love and understanding in marital life.
Fortune of the Move:
Having a lot of admirers from the students, family people and business community from all places, Dr. J. Lakshmi Jeya Swaruoopa travels far and wide to many places in India to give her consultations. She accepts these invitations driven by an urge to do maximum good to maximum number of people within a short time. She also has invitations from abroad and she plans to visit UK, Malaysia and other countries in the near future.